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Rev. argent. coloproctología ; 35(1): 13-17, mar. 2024. graf, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551652


Introducción: el divertículo de Meckel es la anomalía congénita más frecuente del tracto gastrointestinal. Puede presentarse con hemorragia, obstrucción intestinal o diverticulitis, complicaciones que disminuyen con la edad, por lo que en el adulto el diagnóstico suele ser incidental. El tratamiento de las complicaciones es quirúrgico, mediante diverticulectomía o resección segmentaria del intestino delgado, dependiendo de sus características morfológicas. Objetivo: analizar nuestra experiencia en el manejo del divertículo de Meckel complicado en un período de 15 años. Diseño: estudio descriptivo, observacional, transversal, retrospectivo. Material y métodos: se revisaron las historias clínicas de los pacientes operados por divertículo de Meckel complicado en el Servicio de Cirugía General del Hospital San Roque durante el periodo 2007-2022. Se registraron datos demográficos, presentación clínica, diagnóstico preoperatorio, tratamiento quirúrgico, complicaciones postoperatorias y hallazgos histopatológicos. Resultados: se incluyeron 25 pacientes, 21 (84%) hombres, 3 menores de 18 años. La presentación clínica fue un síndrome de fosa iliaca derecha en el 80% de los casos, obstrucción intestinal en el 16% y hemorragia en el 4%. En solo 2 casos se realizó el diagnóstico preoperatorio, confirmado mediante tomografía computada. Se realizó diverticulectomía en el 68% de los pacientes y resección segmentaria el 32%. El abordaje fue laparotómico en el 64%, principalmente en el periodo inicial y laparoscópico en el 36%. Hubo una complicación IIIb de Clavien-Dindo en un paciente pediátrico tratado con drenaje percutáneo. En un solo paciente (4%), que se presentó con hemorragia digestiva masiva, se encontró epitelio de tipo gástrico y páncreas ectópico en el divertículo. Conclusiones: En nuestra experiencia el divertículo de Meckel complicado se presentó predominantemente en hombres. La complicación más frecuente en el adulto fue la diverticulitis. El diagnóstico preoperatorio fue infrecuente y realizado por tomografía computada. La diverticulectomía es suficiente en la mayoría de los casos. Actualmente, la laparoscopia es una herramienta segura, rentable y eficiente que permite el diagnóstico y tratamiento oportunos de esta entidad. (AU)

Introduction: Meckel's diverticulum is the most common congenital malformation of the gastrointestinal tract. It can present with bleeding, intesti-nal obstruction or diverticulitis, complications that decrease with age, so in adults the diagnosis is usually incidental. Treatment of complications is surgical, through diverticulectomy or segmental resection of the small intestine, depending on its morphological characteristics. Objective: to analyze our experience in the management of complicated Meckel's diverticulum over a period of 15 years. Design: descriptive, observational, cross-sectional, retrospective study. Materials and methods: the medical records of patients operated on for complicated Meckel's diverticulum in the General Surgery Service of the San Roque Hospital during the period 2007-2022 were reviewed. Demo-graphic data, clinical presentation, preoperative diagnosis, surgical treatment, postoperative complications, and histopathological findings were recorded. Results: twenty-five patients were included, 21 (84%) men, 3 under 18 years of age. The clinical presentation was a right iliac fossa syndrome in 80% of cases, intestinal obstruction in 16% and hemorrhage in 4%. In only 2 cases was the preoperative diagnosis made, confirmed by computed tomography. Diverticulectomy was performed in 68% of patients and segmental resection in 32%. The approach was by laparotomy in 64%, mainly in the initial period, and by laparoscopy in 36%. There was a Clavien-Dindo IIIb complication in a pediatric patient treated with percutaneous drain-age. In only one patient (4%), who presented with massive gastrointestinal bleeding, gastric-type epithelium and ectopic pancreas were found in the diverticulum. Conclusions: In our experience, complicated Meckel's diverticulum occurred predominantly in men. The most frequent complication in adults was diverticulitis. Preoperative diagnosis was infrequent and was made by computed tomography. Diverticulectomy is sufficient in most cases. Currently, laparoscopy is a safe, profitable and efficient tool that allows for the timely diagnosis and treatment of this entity. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Laparoscopy/methods , Diverticulitis , Meckel Diverticulum/surgery , Meckel Diverticulum/diagnosis , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Epidemiologic Studies , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Age and Sex Distribution
Med. clín. soc ; 7(3)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528995


Introducción: El riesgo del ser humano de padecer un aneurisma intracraneal se calcula entre 1-2 %, en el 80 % de los casos su forma de presentación es una hemorragia subaracnoidea. Objetivo: Evaluar la utilidad de diferentes maniobras adyuvantes para facilitar la micro disección y el presillamiento del cuello de los aneurismas intracraneales. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo con todos los pacientes admitidos en el servicio de neurocirugía del Hospital "Roberto Rodríguez", en Morón, Ciego de Ávila, Cuba, que presentaron un diagnóstico de aneurisma intracraneal y que fueran intervenidos con técnica de microcirugía para su exclusión de la circulación, en el periodo comprendido entre enero de 1997 y diciembre del 2020. Resultados: 201 pacientes fueron intervenidos, 198 (98,51 %) con aneurismas de la circulación anterior y solo 3 (1,49 %), de la circulación posterior. En total fueron abordados 252 sacos, se utilizaron estrategias adyuvantes al procedimiento convencional para facilitar el acto del presillamiento aneurismático como lo fueron el drenaje espinal continuo, la ventriculostomìa al exterior para drenaje de LCR y monitorización continua de la PIC y de la presión de retracción cerebral, cierre temporal de la arteria madre, succión retrograda descompresión en los aneurismas gigantes. El 74,62 % de los casos se recuperaron sin ningún tipo de síntomas o secuelas y la mortalidad fue del 1,49 %. Discusión: La microcirugía resulta un procedimiento eficaz, con elevado nivel de eficiencia, para el tratamiento de los aneurismas intracraneales en nuestro medio. Las estrategias adyuvantes facilitan la relajación del parénquima, la disección y el presillamiento del cuello aneurismático.

Introduction: The human risk of suffering from an intracranial aneurysm is estimated between 1-2%, in 80% of cases its presentation is a subarachnoid hemorrhage. Objectives: To evaluate the usefulness of different adjunctive maneuvers to facilitate micro dissection and clamping of the neck of intracranial aneurysms. Method: We have carried out a descriptive study including all the patients admitted in the neurosurgery department of "Roberto Rodríguez" Hospital in Moron, Ciego de Avila, Cuba with the diagnosis of intracranial aneurysms who were operated on through microsurgical cliping techniques in the period between january 1997 and december 2020. Results: 201 patients were operated on, 198 (98.51%) with aneurysms of the anterior circulation and only 3 (1.49%), of the posterior circulation. A total of 252 sacs were approached, adjuvant strategies to the conventional procedure were used to facilitate the act of aneurysmal clamping, such as continuous spinal drainage, ventriculostomy to the outside for CSF drainage and continuous monitoring of ICP and brain retraction pressure, temporary closure of the mother artery, retrograde suction decompression in giant aneurysms. 74.62% of the cases recovered without any type of symptoms or sequelae, and mortality was 1.49%. Discussion: Microsurgery is an effective procedure, with a high efficiency index, for the treatment of intracranial aneurysms in our environment. Adjunctive strategies facilitate parenchymal relaxation, dissection, and clamping of the aneurysmal neck.

Medisan ; 27(4)ago. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1514572


El tratamiento en mujeres con incontinencia urinaria es diferente del que se efectúa en los hombres. Al respecto, actualmente se emplean las técnicas de cinta vaginal libre de tensión y cinta transobturadora para levantar la vejiga o la uretra, o ambas, hacia la posición normal. El procedimiento quirúrgico con banda transobturadora de polipropileno de monofilamento trenzado figura entre las cirugías mayores ambulatorias y se muestra como un tratamiento eficaz y seguro, cuyos riesgos son mínimos. En este trabajo se comunican brevemente algunos aspectos sobre la incontinencia en féminas, su diagnóstico, prevención y factores de riesgo asociados, así como todo el proceso de aplicación de dicha técnica.

Treatment in women with urinary incontinence is different from that in men. In this regard, the techniques of tension-free vaginal tape and transobturator tape are currently used to lift the bladder or urethra, or both, back to the normal position. The surgical procedure with a monofilament braided polypropylene transobturator band is among the major outpatient surgeries and is shown to be an effective and safe treatment, with minimal risks. In this paper, some aspects of incontinence in women, its diagnosis, prevention and associated risk factors are briefly reported, as well as the entire process of applying this technique.

Urinary Incontinence/surgery
RFO UPF ; 28(1)20230808. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1516328


Objetivo: Apresentar as modalidades de tratamentos cirúrgicas mais usadas disponíveis no arsenal terapêutico das desordens temporomandibulares (DTMs). Revisão da literatura: As DTMs são muito frequentes e são responsáveis ​​por dor e desconforto em um número importante de pacientes. A avaliação e o diagnóstico são as chaves para determinar um plano de manejo adequado dessas doenças. Embora o tratamento conservador seja bem-sucedido na maioria dos pacientes, os tratamentos cirúrgicos podem ser a única opção para aqueles que não respondem ao tratamento conservador ou para casos com indicação cirúrgica inicial como, por exemplo, algumas neoplasias articulares. Dentre as alternativas cirúrgicas, podemos citar a artrocentese, artroscopia, reposicionamento do disco articular por cirurgia aberta, discectomia e tratamentos cirúrgicos para hipermobilidade e anquilose da articulação temporomandibular. Considerações finais: A seleção adequada dos casos é requisito obrigatório para uma intervenção cirúrgica bem-sucedida, a fim de alcançar o resultado desejado do tratamento, como alívio dos sintomas e melhora da função.

Aim: To present the most commonly used surgical treatment modalities available in the therapeutic arsenal for temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Literature review: TMD is very common and is responsible for pain and dysfunction in a significant number of patients. Assessment and diagnosis are key to determining a management plan for these diseases. Although conservative treatment is successful in most patients, surgical treatments may be the only option for those who do not respond to conservative treatment or for some cases with an initial surgical indication, such as some joint neoplasms. Surgical alternatives include arthrocentesis, arthroscopy, repositioning of the articular disc by open surgery, discectomy and surgical treatments for temporomandibular joint hypermobility and ankylosis. Conclusions: Proper case selection is the mandatory requirement for successful surgical intervention in order to achieve the desired treatment outcome, such as symptom relief and improved function.

Humans , Facial Pain/surgery , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/surgery , Arthroscopy/methods , Temporomandibular Joint/surgery , Diskectomy/methods , Arthrocentesis/methods
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 36(2)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550923


El carcinoma basal palpebral representa un 90 % de los tumores malignos oculares con una alta morbilidad. Su incidencia tiene un comportamiento diferente en las distintas partes del mundo y, por lo general, aumenta con la edad. El diagnóstico positivo se realiza por la evaluación histológica de la muestra mediante biopsia escisional. El tratamiento ideal es el quirúrgico, aunque existen otras opciones de tratamiento. El no quirúrgico tiene como objetivo la eliminación del tumor, así como evitar las complicaciones o las secuelas funcionales y estéticas por la cirugía. Se reconocen numerosas opciones dentro de la modalidad terapéutica no quirúrgica; imiquimod, 5-fluorouracilo, inhibidores de la vía de Hedgehog y los interferones. Diversos estudios han demostrado la utilidad de los interferones en monoterapia o como terapia combinada, en pacientes no susceptibles de actuaciones quirúrgicas. Por esta razón, se decidió revisar la literatura científica actual sobre la eficacia y seguridad del HeberFERON® en el tratamiento del carcinoma basal palpebral. Se realizó una búsqueda actualizada teniendo en cuenta los descriptores correspondientes a las palabras clave relacionadas con la temática a investigar, en las bases de datos bibliográficas Medline (buscador PubMed), SciELO, Ebsco, Clinical Key y en Google Académico. Se recuperaron 35 artículos que su contenido respondía al tema de estudio.

Palpebral basal carcinoma represents 90% of ocular malignant tumors with high morbidity. Its incidence has a different behavior in different parts of the world and generally increases with age. Positive diagnosis is made by histological evaluation of the specimen by excisional biopsy. The ideal treatment is surgical, although other treatment options are available. Non-surgical treatment is aimed at eliminating the tumor, as well as avoiding the complications or functional and esthetic sequelae of surgery. Numerous options are recognized within the non-surgical therapeutic modality; imiquimod, 5-fluorouracil, Hedgehog pathway inhibitors and interferons. Several studies have demonstrated the usefulness of interferons in monotherapy or as combination therapy in patients not amenable to surgery. For this reason, it was decided to review the current scientific literature on the efficacy and safety of HeberFERON® in the treatment of palpebral basal cell carcinoma. An updated search was carried out taking into account the descriptors corresponding to the key words related to the subject under investigation, in the bibliographic databases Medline (PubMed search engine), SciELO, Ebsco, Clinical Key and Google Scholar. Thirty-five articles were retrieved whose content corresponded to the subject of the study.

Cuad. Hosp. Clín ; 64(1): 58-62, jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451241


Se presenta un caso clínico de una paciente de 66 años de edad masculino que acude a nuestro hospital (COOSMIL), después de hacer una anamnesis donde el paciente manifiestas molestias como tos, regurgitación y mal alientos (halitosis) y se le hace exámenes complementarios y se llega a un diagnóstico de divertículo faringo-esofágico o Zenker. Esta patología no es muy frecuente, pero se presenta en ancianos por una alteración anatomo-funcional que es un debilitamiento del músculo esofágico Hay tres divertículos esofágicos de los cuales el divertículo de Zenker es el más común aunque es relativamente raro que se presente, en la mayoría de las personas en edad seniles. Después de analizar el tamaño y forma del divertículo de este paciente se toma la decisión de una intervención quirúrgica el más acertado por el tamaño que mide es la diverticulectomia este tratamiento quirúrgico actualmente se continúa realizando en esta patología y con buen pronóstico de vida del paciente. Actualmente, el paciente se encuentra en buen estado salud y su recuperación es favorable desde la operación hasta el momento.

A case of a male patient of 66 years old was referred to our hospital (COSSMIL), after making an anamnesis in which the patient manifested cough, regurgitation and bad breath (halitosis). After further examination a the diagnosis is pharyngo-esophageal diverticulum or Zenker. This condition is rare, but sometimes it happens in elders due to an anatomical and functional alteration caused by is an esophagus muscle weakening. There are three esophageal diverticula in which the Zenker diverticulum is the most common but relatively rarely to occur in elder people. Before analyzing the size and shape of the diverticulum in this patient, the decision is proceed with surgery, the most recommended solution for measuring the size of the diverticulectomy. is The surgical treatment is still being applied in this pathology, with a high probability of success. Currently, the patient is in good health and the recovery from surgery is favorable so far.

Humans , Male , Aged
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221470


Introduction: De Quervain tenosynovitis is first described by Fritz de Quervain, in 1895. It involves tendon entrapment of the first dorsal compartment of the wrist and thickening of the tendon sheaths of first dorsal compartment the abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis, where the tendons pass through the fibro-osseous tunnel located along the radial styloid at the distal wrist. Pain is exacerbated by thumb movement and radial or ulnar deviation of the wrist. The prevalence of de Quervain tenosynovitis is about 0.5% in men and 1.3% in women with peak prevalence in their fourth and fifth decades of life respectively. The present Materials and Methods: study was a prospective study. This Study was conducted from December 2021 to December 2022 at Department of Rampurhat Government Medical College and Hospital, West Bengal, India. In the total of 20 patients Result: were included, out of which 16 patients are female and 4 patients are male. Surgical release has excellent outcome; splinti Conclusion: ng and local steroid injection can be an alternative treatment option for DQ disease especially in patients with low grade disease.

Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1441502


Introducción: La enfermedad arterial periférica es una de las afecciones más prevalentes. Resulta habitual su coexistencia con la enfermedad vascular en otras localizaciones. El diagnóstico precoz tiene importancia para mejorar la calidad de vida del paciente y reducir el riesgo de eventos secundarios mayores, como el infarto agudo de miocardio o el ictus. Objetivo: Caracterizar el comportamiento de la isquemia arterial aguda trombótica en miembros inferiores en pacientes que ingresaron en el Instituto Nacional de Angiología y Cirugía Vascular. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y retrospectivo, con el fin de determinar factores pronósticos en la evolución final del tratamiento quirúrgico de la isquemia arterial aguda trombótica en miembros inferiores, en pacientes que ingresaron en los servicios de Arteriología y Angiopatía Diabética del Instituto Nacional de Angiología y Cirugía Vascular durante un período de cuatro años. Resultados: El grupo de edades más afectado estuvo entre 40 y 59 años, con un predomino del sexo masculino. El hábito de fumar fue el factor de riesgo vascular más frecuente; y la amputación mayor, el procedimiento quirúrgico más empleado, por lo que el patrón oclusivo femoropoplíteo resultó el más prevalente. Conclusiones: Predominaron el sexo masculino, el hábito de fumar, la amputación mayor y el patrón oclusivo femoropoplíteo(AU)

Introduction: Peripheral arterial disease is one of the most prevalent conditions. Its coexistence with vascular disease in other locations is common. Early diagnosis is important to improve the patient's quality of life and reduce the risk of major secondary events, such as acute myocardial infarction or stroke. Objective: To characterize the behavior of acute thrombotic arterial ischemia in lower limbs in patients admitted to the National Institute of Angiology and Vascular Surgery. Methods: An observational, descriptive and retrospective study was conducted in order to determine prognostic factors in the final evolution of surgical treatment of acute thrombotic arterial ischemia in the lower limbs in patients admitted to the Arteriology and Diabetic Angiopathy services of the National Institute of Angiology and Vascular Surgery for a period of four years. Results: The most affected age group was the one of 40 to 59 years, with a predominance of males. Smoking was the most frequent vascular risk factor; and major amputation, the most used surgical procedure, so the femoropopliteal occlusive pattern was the most prevalent. Conclusions: Male sex, smoking habit, major amputation and femoropopliteal occlusive pattern predominated(AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Peripheral Arterial Disease/diagnosis , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Observational Studies as Topic
Chinese Journal of Clinical Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery ; (12): 133-139, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-953770


@#Objective    To systematically evaluate the efficacy of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy or chemotherapy followed by surgery versus definitive chemoradiation in stage ⅢA-N2 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Methods    We searched PubMed, EMbase, Web of Science and The Cochrane Library to collect clinical studies on the efficacy comparison between neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy or chemotherapy followed by surgery and definitive chemoradiation in stage ⅢA-N2 NSCLC from inception to September 2022. The meta-analysis was performed by using RevMan 5.3 software. Results    A total of 9 studies (3 randomized controlled trials and 6 retrospective cohort studies) with 12 801 patients were included. The results of meta-analysis showed that there was no statistical difference in the progression-free survival rate between the inductive treatment followed by surgery (including lobectomy and pneumonectomy) and definitive chemoradiation (HR=0.99, 95%CI 0.86-1.15, P=0.91). Compared with definitive chemoradiation, the overall survival (OS) rate in the inductive treatment followed by surgery (including lobectomy and pneumonectomy) was lower (HR=1.24, 95%CI 1.09-1.42, P=0.001), while the OS rate in the inductive treatment followed   by lobectomy was higher (HR=0.55, 95%CI 0.51-0.61, P<0.000 01). And the local recurrence rate in the inductive treatment followed by surgery was reduced (OR=0.44, 95%CI 0.36-0.55, P<0.000 01). Conclusion    Neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy or chemotherapy followed by lobectomy is superior to definitive chemoradiation in OS and it has a lower local recurrence rate, so lobectomy should be one of the multidisciplinary treatments for selected ⅢA-N2 NSCLC patients.

Chinese Journal of Neonatology ; (6): 29-33, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990722


Objective:To study the risk factors of surgical therapy in neonates with necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC).Methods:From January 2016 to July 2020, neonates with a confirmed diagnosis of NEC (Bell's Stage Ⅱ and above) admitted to our hospital were retrospectively enrolled. They were assigned into surgical group and conservative group according to whether surgeries were performed. The conditions during perinatal period, clinical characteristics and laboratory examinations at the onset of NEC were compared between the two groups. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis was used to determine the risk factors of surgical therapy.Results:A total of 177 neonates with NEC were identified, including 62 cases (35.0%) in the surgical group and 115 cases (65.0%) in the conservative group. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that male gender ( OR=3.178,95% CI 1.457~6.929, P=0.004), comorbidity with shock ( OR=3.434, 95% CI 1.112~10.607, P=0.032), mechanical ventilation>7 d before NEC onset ( OR=3.663, 95% CI 1.098~12.223, P=0.035) and lymphocytes <2.0×10 9/L ( OR=4.121, 95% CI 1.801~9.430, P=0.001) at the onset of NEC were independent risk factors for surgical therapy. Conclusions:Male gender, comorbidity with shock, mechanical ventilation >7 d before NEC and lymphocytopenia at the onset are independent risk factors for surgical therapy in neonates with NEC (Stage Ⅱ and above).

Chinese Journal of Digestive Surgery ; (12): 481-488, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990664


Objective:To investigate the safety of minimally invasive liver resection for resectable hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) complicated with portal hypertension.Methods:The propensity score matching and retrospective cohort study was conducted. The clinicopathological data of 807 patients with resectable HCC who underwent minimally invasive liver resection in 8 medical centers, including Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, Affiliated with the Zhejiang University School of Medicine et al, from June 2011 to November 2022 were collected. There were 670 males and 137 females, aged 58(50,66)years. Of the 807 patients, 173 cases with portal hypertension were divided into the portal hypertension group, and 634 cases without portal hypertension were divided into the non-portal hypertension group. Observation indicators: (1) propensity score matching and comparison of general data of patients between the two groups after matching; (2) intraoperative and post-operative situations; (3) subgroup analysis. Propensity score matching was done by the 1:1 nearest neighbor matching method, with the caliper setting as 0.001. Measurement data with skewed distribution were represented as M( Q1, Q3), and comparison between groups was conducted using the rank sum test. Count data were described as absolute numbers, and comparison between groups was conducted using the chi-square test or Fisher exact probability. Comparison of ordinal data was constructed using the non-parameter rank sun test. Results:(1) Propensity score matching and comparison of general data of patients between the two groups after matching. Of the 807 patients, 268 cases were successfully matched, including 134 cases in the portal hypertension group and 134 cases in the non-portal hypertension group. The elimination of the tumor diameter and robot-assisted surgery confounding bias ensured comparability between the two groups after propensity score matching. (2) Intraoperative and postoperative situations. The occlusion time of porta hepatis, cases with intraoperative blood transfusion, cases with postoperative complication, cases with complication >Ⅱ grade of Clavien-Dindo classification, cases of Clavien-Dindo classification as Ⅰ grade, Ⅱ grade, Ⅲ grade, Ⅳ grade, cases with liver related complication were 27.0(15.0,43.0)minutes, 33, 55, 15, 13, 29, 14, 1, 37 in the portal hypertension group, versus 35.0(22.0,60.0)minutes, 17, 25, 5, 14, 9, 4, 1, 13 in the non-portal hypertension group, showing significant differences in the above indicators between the two groups ( Z=-2.15, χ2=6.30, 16.39, 4.38, 20.72, 14.16, P<0.05). (3) Subgroup analysis. Results of subgroups analysis showed that in cases with major live resection, the operation time, volume of intraoperative blood loss, duration of postoperative hospital stay were 243.5(174.6,296.3)minutes, 200.0(150.0,600.0)mL, 7.5(6.0,13.0)days in the portal hypertension group, versus 270.0(180.0,314.5)minutes, 200.0 (75.0,450.0)mL, 7.0(5.5,10.0)days in the non-portal hypertension group, showing no significant difference in the above indicators between the two groups ( Z=-0.54, -1.73, -0.92, P>0.05). In cases with non-major live resection, the operation time, volume of intraoperative blood loss, duration of postoperative hospital stay were 170.0(120.0,227.5)minutes, 100.0(50.0,200.0)mL, 8.0(5.0,10.0)days in the portal hypertension group, versus 170.0(120.0,227.5)minutes, 100.0(50.0,200.0)mL, 7.0(5.5,9.0)days in the non-portal hypertension group, showing no significant difference in the above indicators between the two groups ( Z=-1.39, -0.10, 1.05, P>0.05). In cases with anatomical liver resection, the operation time, volume of intraoperative blood loss, duration of postoperative hospital stay were 210.0(150.0,285.0)minutes, 150.0(50.0,200.0)mL, 8.0(6.0,9.3)days in the portal hypertension group, versus 225.5(146.3,306.8)minutes, 100.0(50.0,250.0)mL, 7.0(6.0,9.0)days in the non-portal hypertension group, showing no significant difference in the above indica-tors between the two groups ( Z=-0.75, -0.26, -0.91, P>0.05). In cases with non-anatomical liver resection, the operation time, volume of intraoperative blood loss, duration of postoperative hospital stay were 173.5(120.0,231.5)minutes, 175.0(50.0,300.0)mL, 7.0(5.0,11.0)days in the portal hyper-tension group, versus 186.0(123.0,262.5)minutes, 100.0(50.0,200.0)mL, 7.0(5.0,9.5)days in the non-portal hypertension group, showing no significant difference in the above indicators between the two groups ( Z=-0.97, -1.12, -0.98, P>0.05). Conclusion:Minimally invasive liver resection or even major liver resection is safe and feasible for screened HCC patients complicated with portal hyper-tension, but attention should be paid to the prevention and treatment of postoperative complications.

Chinese Journal of Digestive Surgery ; (12): 214-218, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990630


The incidence of portal vein tumor thrombus (PVTT) in patients with hepato-cellular carcinoma (HCC) is high and the prognosis is poor. The treatment mode of HCC+PVTT is changing to multidisciplinary comprehensive treatment. The authors make a deep investigation on the occurrence basis, classification, surgical treatment indication, postoperative adjuvant treatment and preoperative conversion treatment plan of HCC+PVTT, in order to provide reference for the diagnosis and treatment of this disease.

Chinese Journal of Digestive Surgery ; (12): 181-186, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990625


Hepatocellular carcinoma is still a severe threat to people′s health of China. Most patients have advanced disease at the time of first diagnosis and lose the opportunity of radical surgery. In the past, the traditional medical drug treatment and radiotherapy are ineffective, which make the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma into a bottleneck. With the emergence of target therapy represented as tyrosine kinase inhibitors and immunotherapy represented by programmed death-1 antibody and programmed death-ligand 1 antibody, the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma has entered a new era and patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma have seen a new hope. The systemic therapy represented by target therapy and immunotherapy has not only greatly improved the survival of patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma, but also changed the treatment concept of hepatocellular carcinoma from single-drug therapy to combined therapy with multiple means. The treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma has changed from the era of surgery as the king to the era of surgery as the mainstay of whole-process management and comprehensive treatment. The authors review previous studies and their own experience to elaborate on the comprehensive treat-ment strategy for hepatocellular carcinoma based on surgical treatment in the era of targeted therapy and immunotherapy.

Chinese Journal of Digestive Surgery ; (12): 131-143, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990620


Objective:To investigate the clinical efficacy of radical resection of rectal cancer with different surgical approaches and influencing factors of postoperative complications.Methods:The retrospective study was conducted. The clinicopathological data of 3 418 patients who underwent radical resection of rectal cancer in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University from July 2011 to September 2020 were collected. There were 2 060 males and 1 358 females, aged (61±11)years. Patients meeting the requirements of radical resection and surgical indications underwent surgeries choosing from open radical colorectal cancer surgery, laparoscopic radical colorectal cancer surgery, and natural orifice specimen extraction surgery (NOSES). Observation indicators: (1) intraoperative and postoperative conditions of patients undergoing different surgical approaches; (2) comparison of preoperative clinical characteristics in patients undergoing different surgical approaches; (3) comparison of postoperative histopathological characteristics in patients undergoing different surgical approaches; (4) postoperative complications of patients undergoing different surgical approaches; (5) analysis of influencing factors of postoperative complications. Measurement data with normal distribution were represented as Mean± SD. Measurement data with skewed distribution were represented as M(range), and comparisons between groups was analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis rank test. Comparison of ordinal data was analyzed using the non-parameter rank sum test. Count data were described as absolute numbers or percentages, and comparison between groups was analyzed using the chi-square test. Multivariate analysis was conducted using the Logistic regression model. Results:(1) Intraoperative and postoperative conditions of patients undergoing different surgical approaches. Of the 3 418 patients, 1 978 cases underwent open radical colorectal cancer sur-gery, 1 028 cases underwent laparoscopic radical colorectal cancer surgery and 412 cases underwent NOSES, respectively. The operation time, volume of intraoperative blood loss, cases with permanent stoma, preventive stoma or without fistula, time to postoperative first flatus, time to postoperative liquid food intake, cases transferred to intensive care unit after surgery, duration of postoperative hospital stay were 145(range, 55?460)minutes, 100(range, 30?1 000)mL, 435, 88, 1 455, 72(range, 10?220)hours, 96(range, 16?296)hours, 158, 10(range, 6?60)days, respectively, in patients undergoing open radical colorectal cancer surgery. The above indicators were 175(range, 80?450)minutes, 50(range, 10?800)mL, 172, 112, 744, 48(range, 14?120)hours, 72(range, 38?140)hours, 17, 9(range, 4?40)days, respectively, in patients undergoing laparoscopic radical colorectal cancer surgery and 180(range, 80?400)minutes, 30(range, 5?500)mL, 0, 45, 367, 48 (range, 14?144)hours, 72(range, 15?148)hours, 1, 6(range, 3?30)days, respectively, in patients undergoing NOSES. There were significant differences in the above indicators among the patients undergoing different surgical approaches ( H=291.38, 518.56, χ2=153.82, H=408.86, 282.97, χ2=78.66, H=332.30, P<0.05). (2) Com-parison of preoperative clinical characteristics in patients undergoing different surgical approaches. The gender, age, body mass index, cases with diabetes, cases with hypertension, cases with coronary heart disease, cases with anemia, cases with hypoproteinemia, cases with intestinal obstruction, tumor location, preoperative carcinoembryonic antigen, preoperative CA19-9 showed significant differences among patients undergoing open radical colorectal cancer surgery, laparoscopic radical colorectal cancer surgery and NOSES ( P<0.05). (3) Comparison of postoperative histopathological characteris-tics in patients undergoing different surgical approaches. Tumor histological type, tumor differentiation degree, tumor diameter, number of lymph node detected, nerve invasion, vascular invasion, lymph node invasion, tumor T staging, tumor N staging, tumor M staging, tumor TNM staging showed significant differences among patients undergoing open radical colorectal cancer surgery, laparos-copic radical colorectal cancer surgery and NOSES ( P<0.05). (4) Postoperative complications of patients undergoing different surgical approaches. Cases with postoperative complications as anastomotic leakage, abdominal infection, intestinal obstruction, anastomotic bleeding, incision complications, pulmonary infection, other complications were 52, 21, 309, 8, 130, 51, 59, respectively, in patients undergoing open radical colorectal cancer surgery. The above indicators were 33, 17, 75, 3, 45, 58, 9, respectively, in patients undergoing laparoscopic radical colorectal cancer surgery and 13, 4, 8, 0, 11, 10, 15, respectively, in patients undergoing NOSES. There were significant differences in the intes-tinal obstruction, incision complications, pulmonary infection, other complications among patients undergoing different surgical approaches ( χ2=122.56, 13.33, 20.44, 15.59, P<0.05) and there was no significant difference in the anastomotic leakage, abdominal infection, anastomotic bleeding among patients undergoing different surgical approaches ( χ2=0.96, 2.21, 3.08, P>0.05). (5) Analysis of influencing factors of postoperative complications. ① Analysis of influencing factors of intestinal obstruction in patients with radical resection of rectal cancer. Age as 20?39 years and 40?59 years, surgical approach as laparoscopic radical colorectal cancer surgery and NOSES were independent protective factors of intestinal obstruction in patients with radical resection of rectal cancer ( odds ratio=0.46, 0.59, 0.43, 0.13, 95% confidence interval as 0.21?1.00, 0.36?0.96, 0.33?0.56, 0.06?0.27, P<0.05). ② Analysis of influencing factors of incision complications in patients with radical resection of rectal cancer. Body mass index as 24.0?26.9 kg/m 2, surgical approach as laparoscopic radical colorectal cancer surgery and NOSES were independent protective factors of incision complications in patients with radical resection of rectal cancer ( odds ratio=0.24, 0.63, 0.46, 95% confidence interval as 0.11?0.51, 0.44?0.89, 0.24?0.87, P<0.05). ③ Analysis of influencing factors of pulmonary infection in patients with radical resection of rectal cancer. The surgical approach as laparoscopic radical colorectal cancer surgery was an independent risk factor of pulmonary infection in patients with radical resection of rectal cancer ( odds ratio=2.15, 95% confidence interval as 1.46?3.18, P<0.05), and tumor TNM staging as 0?Ⅰ stage was an independent protective factor ( odds ratio=0.10, 95% confidence interval as 0.01?0.88, P<0.05). ④ Analysis of influencing factors of other complica-tions in patients with radical resection of rectal cancer. Age as 20?39 years, 40?59 years, 60?79 years, body mass index as <18.5 kg/m 2, 18.5?23.9 kg/m 2, 24.0?26.9 kg/m 2, 27.0?29.9 kg/m 2, surgical approach as laparoscopic radical colorectal cancer surgery were independent protective factors of other complications in patients with radical resection of rectal cancer ( odds ratio=0.10, 0.29, 0.37, 0.08, 0.22, 0.35, 0.32, 0.29, 95% confidence interval as 0.01?0.81, 0.13?0.64, 0.17?0.78, 0.02?0.40, 0.09?0.52, 0.15?0.83, 0.12?0.89, 0.14?0.59, P<0.05). Conclusions:Compared to laparoscopic radical colorectal cancer surgery and NOSES, open radical colorectal cancer surgery has wide indication and short operation time, but less perioperative treatment effect. Laparoscopic radical colorectal cancer surgery and NOSES can achieve better surgical result and less postoperative complication when patients meeting surgical indications.

Chinese Pediatric Emergency Medicine ; (12): 427-433, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990538


Scoliosis is a common deformity in neuromuscular disease, which usually has the characteristics of early onset age, severe degree of deformity, and rapid progression.Neuromuscular scoliosis often leads to serious damages to the quality of life, and results in the loss of walking, standing and sitting, and cardiopulmonary insufficiency.Surgical treatment can improve the quality of life for children with neuromuscular scoliosis, but surgical treatment is still challenging due to the complex surgery and many complicated diseases.The complications are much higher than those of idiopathic scoliosis.A multidisciplinary team is necessary in the surgical treatment of neuromuscular scoliosis to promptly and effectively reduce the complications.

Chinese Journal of Applied Clinical Pediatrics ; (24): 111-115, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-989997


Infantile spasms(IS) is the prevalent epilepsy syndrome in infancy, characterized by an early age of onset, distinctive seizure type, hypsarrhythmia on electroencephalography, and psychomotor retardation.Despite the fact that medication therapy is the primary treatment for IS, there are still some children with IS who are resistant to drug therapy, which is extremely detrimental to their prognosis.Therefore, surgical therapy has increasingly become one of the most prominent IS treatments.As of now, the indications, preoperative evaluation, and surgical techniques of surgery are continuously being investigated based on variables such as the disease, etiology, age, etcetera.The effect of surgery on cognitive function, physical function, linguistic capacity, and memory function is gaining increasing interest.This article described the indications, preoperative evaluation, surgical procedures (including resection, palliative surgery, and stereotactic surgery), and postoperative efficacy of surgical treatment for IS, with the goal of improving the prognosis of IS through precise surgical treatment, and providing more treatment options and a good long-term prognosis for children with drug-resistant IS.

Cancer Research on Prevention and Treatment ; (12): 556-561, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986230


Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is the third most common malignant tumor of the genitourinary system. During disease progression, RCC can undergo local and/or distant metastasis, which seriously affects the prognosis of the patient. With the advancements in targeted therapy and immunotherapy for advanced RCC, treatment for locally advanced RCC has changed. Studies have focused on applying targeted therapy or immunotherapy in the perioperative period. This article aims to review progress on treatment of locally advanced RCC to offer references for novel treatment strategies.

Journal of Prevention and Treatment for Stomatological Diseases ; (12): 192-196, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-960887


Objective @#To discuss the treatment of pneumoparotid and to provide a reference for clinical practice. @*Methods@# A case of refractory pneumoparotid was reported, and the diagnosis and treatment of parotid emphysema were reviewed and analyzed in combination with the literature.@*Results @#This child had parotid gland enlargement without any obvious cause for more than 1 month. Conservative treatment, such as anti-inflammatory agents, psychological interventions and physical compression were ineffective. The patient had a history of cerebral palsy with epilepsy and involuntary cheek bulging behavior. Therefore, we considered it a refractory case. It was cured after parotid duct ligation and partial parotidectomy of the superficial lobe. A literature review showed that a pneumoparotid is a rare parotid enlargement. Most of the clinical cases were considered to be caused by the return of air into the parotid gland through the parotid duct due to an increase in oral pressure. The diagnosis of pneumoparotid mainly depends on intermittent parotid gland swelling and other clinical manifestations and imaging examination methods, such as ultrasound, CT, MRI and angiography. Its treatment mainly includes conservative anti-inflammatory treatment, physical therapy and psychological intervention. Surgical treatment is indicated for refractory parotid emphysema.@*Conclusion@# Pneumoparotid cases may further develop into parotid inflammation, which is generally treated conservatively. For some severe, recurrent and poor compliance cases, surgical treatment is sometimes needed.

Acta Academiae Medicinae Sinicae ; (6): 251-256, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981260


Objective To evaluate the effect of surgical reconstruction of extracranial vertebral artery and to summarize the experience. Methods The clinical data of 15 patients undergoing surgical reconstruction of extracranial vertebral artery from September 2018 to June 2022 were collected.The operation methods,operation duration,intraoperative blood loss,operation complications,and relief of symptoms were retrospectively analyzed. Results Eleven patients underwent vertebral artery (V1 segment) to common carotid artery transposition,two patients underwent endarterectomy of V1 segment,two patients underwent V3 segment to external carotid artery bypass or transposition.The operation duration,intraoperative blood loss,and blocking time of common carotid artery varied within 120-340 min,50-300 ml,and 12-25 min,with the medians of 240 min,100 ml,and 16 min,respectively.There was no cardiac accident,cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome,cerebral hemorrhage or lymphatic leakage during the perioperative period.One patient suffered from cerebral infarction and three patients suffered from incomplete Horner's syndrome after the operation.During the follow-up (4-45 months,median of 26 months),there was no anastomotic stenosis,new cerebral infarction or cerebral ischemia. Conclusion Surgical reconstruction of extracranial vertebral artery is safe and effective,and individualized reconstruction strategy should be adopted according to different conditions.

Humans , Vertebral Artery/surgery , Blood Loss, Surgical , Retrospective Studies , Brain Ischemia , Cerebral Infarction
Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery ; (12): 494-498, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982775


Patients with patulous Eustachian tubes(PET) usually suffer from annoying symptoms, such as tinnitus, autophony and aural fullness, due to the excessive opening of the Eustachian tube. There is no uniform standard of treatment, and conservative therapy combined with"Stepup"surgical intervention strategy is the main treatment. In this article, we reviewed various surgical treatments of patulous Eustachian tube in recent years, including key points of surgical operation, effectiveness, safety and complications. Full communication and evaluation are needed to establish appropriate patients' expectations preoperatively. A "Stepup" treatment strategy will be carried out, including conservative treatment, tympanic membrane surgery, Eustachian tube pharyngeal orifice constriction surgery, Eustachian tube tympanic orifice plug surgery and Eustachian tube muscle surgery, which aims to maintain normal Eustachian tube function and good middle ear ventilation.

Humans , Eustachian Tube/surgery , Ear Diseases/diagnosis , Ear, Middle , Tympanic Membrane/surgery , Tinnitus , Otitis Media